
The leading specialists in the treatment of complex and persistent pain and spinal conditions

Back Pain tips Causes of Back Pain Take a breather - sometimes, amazingly, we all forget to breathe! And that causes headaches and back pain.....

Take a breather - sometimes, amazingly, we all forget to breathe! And that causes headaches and back pain.....

Breathing - sometimes, amazingly, we all forget to breathe! And that causes headaches and back pain....


Breathing...something we all take for granted and about which the bakpro team are passionate. The trouble is, 60% of us don't do it properly and it has some serious ramifications. In fact sitting there now you may be one of those people who sigh, yawn or catch your breath regularly. If so then you are a bad breather. You are not alone.

Due mainly to our stressful daily lives we default to a pattern of breathing that is better suited to being chased by a sabre toothed tiger back in our sapiens history.

The breathing rate is short and shallow, often with extended periods of breath holding where we simply don't breath at all. We particularly do it in stressful environments or situations (presentations, meetings, bad boss!) Believe it or not, research has shown, that many of us even do it when we open our emails! ('email apnoea'). Hyperventilation, as it is known, produces a whole myriad of symptoms but most relevantly to us all is muscle tension and pain in our tissues.

Many people try to stretch and rub their muscles but don't realise that it is ineffective unless they first learn to get their breathing under control and breathe through their diaphragm, not with their upper chests and neck muscles.

The bakpro programme provides you with everything you need to know about how to monitor and change your breathing, as well as how to spot when you have slipped back into bad habits.

The special videos take you through it clearly and concisely.

Change your life to a pain-free one.

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