
The leading specialists in the treatment of complex and persistent pain and spinal conditions

Bakpro Causes of Back Pain Low back pain - a stab in the back

Low back pain - a stab in the back

Low back pain in our sedentary workforce costs millions in lost days and NHS treatment

Low back pain is the condition most commonly complained of in the UK sedentary workforce. It effectively costs the country £5 billion annually.

Research and experience have shown that it has a multi factorial cause most of which are effectively bad habits. Believe it or not a lot of back pain has a primarily emotional or stress related origin and not just a structural one. The rest is caused mainly by sitting!

Some people will be unlucky enough to be afflicted by painful conditions such as arthritis of the spine, prolapsed discs or inflammatory disorders of the joints. But even these can be dramatically improved with a few key changes to daily habits and a better understanding of what causes their back pain or what makes it worse. A little bit of self-maintenance goes a long way.

One of the tricky questions often put to medical students when reviewing the scans or x-rays of a patient is ....

Why is it possible for this patient who clearly has lots of degeneration in their spine to have no pain at all and this one who has a normal looking spine on imaging to be in agony?

The basic answer is because pain is a very complex and tricky customer and most of it stems from the soft tissues and their 'function' not the structure of the spine itself. That 'function' includes all of the subtle thoughts and emotions going on in someone's head at the time and how long for.

That is why the bakpro programme is so brilliant.

Contained in one box is everything you need to treat each component of your back pain.
The tools release the painful muscular spots in your body physically, and the stretching and breathing training releases all of the internal tension within your body that develops from the mental and emotional stresses with which we all have to cope during the day.

If you don't attack the problem from all angles, you have not got a chance of solving it.

Your spine is a clever and beautiful thing...look after it and be pain free!

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